Information about the Childcare and Nursing Care Assistance Program

A handbook has been prepared that introduces the Childcare and Nursing Care Assistance Program launched in FY2014 and funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, through its Program to Supporting Research Activities of Female Researchers, in order to support researchers with childbirth, childcare or nursing care obligations.

Researchers at Hitotsubashi University who are raising a child or caring for a family member can view work-life balance support programs offered by the university using the links below.



We invite you to take advantage of these programs to help achieve a work-life balance between your career and childbirth, childcare or nursing care obligations.


・Work-life Balance Support Handbook (PDF1.70MB)

Childcare and Nursing Care Assistance Program Guidebook for Instructors at Hitotsubashi University [full-time employees] (PDF:1.83MB) *Chapter II of the Work-Life Balance Support Handbook was uploaded on the Hitotsubashi University website on October 23, 2014. Feel free to browse its contents.